Live streaming technology lets you simultaneously create, record, broadcast, and playback videos in real-time without requiring a completely downloaded file. Unlike pre-recorded videos that can be cut and edited, live streaming is live and uncensored.

Livestream services cover a wide variety of topics, from social media to video games to professional sports. Current popular live-streaming platforms include Youtube, Facebook Live, Instagram Live stories, Twitch TV, and Tik Tok. Some live streams are public and might be watched by hundreds or even thousands of people, while others can be private.

User interaction via chat rooms forms a major component of live streaming. Viewers can comment and interact live by posting messages that appear beside the live stream. To make sure they stay private, they should be password protected and enable a registration system to have control of the participants’ attendance.

For our state-of-the-art live streaming services, we provide all the necessary tools like multiple professional cameras, professional lights & sound, laptops, monitors, on-the-go internet connections, backup connections, cabling, and various streaming platforms including titling.

Our green screen backdrops can help you choose a variety of virtual background environments that suit your event.

Live streaming can be used as the output media of hybrid and online events. We will ensure that your content is successfully streamed to your attendees with perfect video and sound.

With our experience and equipment, we can make even the most demanding events come true with minimum disturbances and high-quality delivery service. Our team of experienced event planners manages every detail and our experienced multimedia technicians handle all of the technical details.

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Virtual Events

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